Happy New Year!
Again a new year is upon us, a fresh start, a new opportunity, the new era 2020 is here. I am not one to make New Year Resolutions (NYRs) and I definitely am not opposed to those who do. As I frequently say every mallam to his kettle*.
You may, however, ask, why don’t you make NYRs? Well, I used to but I stopped. Why? you ask. I am inclined to contract a disease and I realized NYRs is a trigger. As one who wants to stay healthy, I keep away from triggers as much as possible. What is this disease? Procrastination.
This realisation makes me live in the present, planning for the future whilst taking refuge in scripture- Proverbs 11:28 (MSG) says a life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump. A God-shaped life is a flourishing tree. I am learning to allow God lead whilst I tag along.
Amongst the moves of living in the present is writing here on Medium. For years I have wanted to share my thoughts and journey with an online community but never got around doing it. I opened a Word Press once but never posted an article. I opened a Medium account (lol...obviously) also and disappeared but here I am today (somebody shout hallelujah!), writing and publishing.
So this is me encouraging you to live in the now. Do what you need to do, now. Learn to be spontaneous. This I am learning also. Stop pushing things to the future, just do it.
I will be calling my thoughts The Journey to The Extraordinary because that is what it really is. I am not certain of the time interval between posts but it would not be too long or noticeable, hopefully.
Cheers to 2020 of many doings!
P.S: Whilst this might look like I waited till today to start as per January 1, 2020. It is 100% spontaneous action.
*Every mallam to his kettle is the Nigerian version of to each one his own.