Happy New Year!

Osetemega Iribiri
2 min readJan 1, 2020


Again a new year is upon us, a fresh start, a new opportunity, the new era 2020 is here. I am not one to make New Year Resolutions (NYRs) and I definitely am not opposed to those who do. As I frequently say every mallam to his kettle*.

You may, however, ask, why don’t you make NYRs? Well, I used to but I stopped. Why? you ask. I am inclined to contract a disease and I realized NYRs is a trigger. As one who wants to stay healthy, I keep away from triggers as much as possible. What is this disease? Procrastination.

This realisation makes me live in the present, planning for the future whilst taking refuge in scripture- Proverbs 11:28 (MSG) says a life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump. A God-shaped life is a flourishing tree. I am learning to allow God lead whilst I tag along.

Amongst the moves of living in the present is writing here on Medium. For years I have wanted to share my thoughts and journey with an online community but never got around doing it. I opened a Word Press once but never posted an article. I opened a Medium account (lol...obviously) also and disappeared but here I am today (somebody shout hallelujah!), writing and publishing.

So this is me encouraging you to live in the now. Do what you need to do, now. Learn to be spontaneous. This I am learning also. Stop pushing things to the future, just do it.

I will be calling my thoughts The Journey to The Extraordinary because that is what it really is. I am not certain of the time interval between posts but it would not be too long or noticeable, hopefully.

Cheers to 2020 of many doings!

P.S: Whilst this might look like I waited till today to start as per January 1, 2020. It is 100% spontaneous action.

*Every mallam to his kettle is the Nigerian version of to each one his own.



Osetemega Iribiri
Osetemega Iribiri

Written by Osetemega Iribiri

Do certain things in the Bible look far reaching for you? I'll simplify them, using everyday elements. Ensure you follow me.

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