2021: Beauty for Ashes
Many a time, we come to the end of the year to reflect; expressing feelings of happiness, sadness, indifference, thanksgiving etc., as we see how things panned out at the end. That’s hindsight. It’s a beautiful gift.
This year has been beautiful, indeed. It’s been an exchange; beauty for ashes. January started with me knowing the outcome of the year but not its trajectory. I had certain assignments I had to carry out but procrastination, “perfection” and uncertainty got in the way of finishing. With hindsight, I see how I could have still made it through. I hope sometime soon I get to revisit them. Nevertheless, for now, they are stored up in my treasure chest of experiences.
If you need to do something, just do it. It looks like a cliche but that is just how things are. There is a time for everything. This year, I saw time differently. You think you have seven months to do a thing but in reality, it’s just a month. One of my leaders usually tells me, done is better than perfect. I saw that in real-time. I still struggle with his words of counsel, but I use them more now. Just get that thing done, you can always review it after. It is better than not doing it at all.
I usually wondered how people will meet someone at the start of the year and by the end of the year, they are already walking down the aisle. I understood how that works this year. Hold up! I didn’t get married, engaged or anything of that sort. I am still as singular as singular (lol). I relocated to the US this year. Everything happened so quickly. I didn’t have to date the idea for so long. The proposal was made and by July, I was walking down the aisle of relocation. It’s still a wonder to me. I made a video about it here.
I am in the process of joining Awesome Treasures Foundation as a volunteer. In one of our foundation training modules, we talked about relationships and how all people cannot be on the same pedestal. It sounds so basic, right? Jesus modelled this. I am learning to compartmentalise relationships. I love people but not everyone can be on my priority list. Know this and know peace. I realised I got hurt by placing too much esteem on the wrong people. It’s nothing personal, it’s just how life should be. Manage your energy.
I relearnt that God cannot be put in a box. Honour and trust Him and see Him unravel great things. His promises and prophecies do come to pass. If we would just stand still and look, we’d see His signature in the clouds.
Going back to school (Masters in German and Diplomacy) is great but doing it in a new country is a different ball game. Systems take a lot of getting used to. This past semester, I functioned as both a student and teacher. I taught German 101 (Fun fact: My first degree is in German studies from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria). In there is a lesson. Left to me, I’d say I have nothing to teach. I can give you a thousand and one reasons why I am not the right person for the job. However, my school taught me something scriptural. No matter how little you think you have, there is someone who has nothing and you can still share with them and be satisfied. Case study: The boy with the five loaves and two fishes in the Bible.
I wasn’t my best all the time but done is better than perfect. Yes, I struggled with the new system but I made it through the first semester. I am realizing we all have these educational struggles. It is important we speak up early and share the burden with those who understand. I made new connections. The humans made it easier. Kind words held my hands up a number of times. These are most important to me and I am certain this will be the least of my semesters. This new system exposed some of my bad habits and the unconscious mindsets I picked up from the Nigerian system. I am learning to be more expressive with my opinions, assertiveness, it is called.
Talking of learning, I picked up a new hobby during the Christmas holiday. I began knitting thanks to tutorials from the University of YouTube. I am currently knitting a muffler I wanted to finish before the new year but then, I have other things such as reading books I have had on hold for a while. Thus, I will finish in the new year.
Another mantra, I am imbibing is spending time with the ones I love; old or young and letting them know I have them at heart. Also being there for them. It won’t always be convenient but it would be worth it. Additionally, spending time to become who I need to be. My loved ones are better off with me in a better version. Lastly, honouring men. For the ones who go over and above, as much as is within my capacity, I hope to do the same and even more.
I am super grateful for every single person who showed up for me one way or the other this year. I am blessed with you and I don’t take it for granted. You rock!
Finally, in case you haven’t met someone who tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, you just did. I am writing this reflection from isolation. On Monday, I had symptoms of sore throat, cold, increased body temperature and headache. I usually take ginger and honey for sorethroat so I did that, spent the day resting and sleeping and took the Holy Communion. By Tuesday morning, I had just a headache. A dose of paracetamol and that was put to rest. On Wednesday, I was symptom-free and went for a test. It came out positive. I am well now, believe me. It isn’t anything serious. I feel great! I have a higher covenant in Christ. Jesus got me.
This year like every year, I was “carried by grace. It is nothing short of a miracle I am here” and excited about the new experiences and opportunities that will unfold next year.
Till 2022 my loves. Be present in your own lives, abide in Christ Jesus and flourish!
Love always,
Osetemega Iribiri